پرتو سیستم

Projects & clients


Parto System Company

Parto System provides turnkey wind and solar measurement solutions since 1997 as a private joint stock company. We offer high quality equipment from our exclusive German partner of Ammonit. Our measurement systems full fill the highest standard, our product portfolio includes powerful dataloggers, accurate meteorological sensors, verified SODAR and LIDAR devices as well as reliable communication and power supply systems. If you are looking for measurement systems for wind or solar site assessment wind or solar system, we can design measurement system that fits best to your requirements - even for extreme weather conditions and remote areas. Our company manager is Mr. Shahram Talebi and our address and phone number is:

Address: Unite2, No.2, Ekhtesasi Dead-end, Shariati Street, Tajrish, Tehran, Iran.

Phone Number: +98 21 22710896

Fax: +98 21 22723176

Type of Mast consideration for each projects:

We provide access to data from lattice masts. According to selected location and weather condition, we select suitable mast for cold region we consider Ice mast or normal mast according to meteorological report of area.

Structures made of S37 steel meet IEC 61400-12-1 2nd edition and TIA-EIA222F.

Measurement system and instrument:

The measurement systems are equipped with high quality sensors produced by specialized, well-known companies according to the IEC 61400 standard. The data logger recording the measuring data and transmitting them via GPRS, GSM or satellite, is exclusively programmed by Ammonit.